Source code for Tars.distributions.distribution_models

import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne

from ..utils import tolist
from .distribution_samples import (

[docs]class Distribution(object): """ Paramaters ---------- mean_network : lasagne.layers.Layer The network whose outputs express the paramater of this distribution. given : list This contains instances of lasagne.layers.InputLayer, which mean the conditioning variables. e.g. if given = [x,y], then the corresponding log-likehood is log p(*|x,y) """ def __init__(self, distribution, mean_network, given, seed=1, set_log_likelihood=True): self.distribution = distribution self.mean_network = mean_network self.given = given self.inputs = [x.input_var for x in given] _output_shape = self.get_output_shape() self.output = T.TensorType('float32', (False,) * len(_output_shape))() self.set_log_likelihood = set_log_likelihood self.set_seed(seed=seed)
[docs] def set_seed(self, seed=1): # Need to call set_seed twice to get consistent sampling results self.distribution.set_seed(seed) # for compiling theano functions self._set_theano_func() self.distribution.set_seed(seed) # for actual sampling
[docs] def get_params(self): params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params( self.mean_network, trainable=True) return params
[docs] def fprop(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """ Paramaters ---------- x : list This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to 'given'. Returns ------- mean : Theano variable The output of this distribution. """ try: inputs = dict(zip(self.given, x)) except: raise ValueError("The length of 'x' must be same as 'given'") deterministic = kwargs.pop('deterministic', False) mean = lasagne.layers.get_output( self.mean_network, inputs, deterministic=deterministic) return mean
[docs] def get_input_shape(self): """ Returns ------- tuple This represents the shape of the inputs of this distribution. """ return [x.shape for x in self.given]
[docs] def get_output_shape(self): """ Returns ------- tuple This represents the shape of the output of this distribution. """ return lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(self.mean_network)
[docs] def sample_given_x(self, x, repeat=1, **kwargs): """ Paramaters -------- x : list This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to 'given'. repeat : int or thenao variable Returns -------- list This contains 'x' and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample]. """ if repeat != 1: x = [T.extra_ops.repeat(_x, repeat, axis=0) for _x in x] # Feedforward the inputs. The output corresponds to the mean of a distribution, # or the mean and the variance if executed from DistributionDouble. output = self.fprop(x, **kwargs) return [x, self.distribution.sample(*tolist(output))]
[docs] def sample_mean_given_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """ Paramaters -------- x : list This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to 'given'. Returns -------- list This contains 'x' and a mean value of sample ~ p(*|x). """ output = self.fprop(x, **kwargs) return [x, tolist(output)[0]]
[docs] def log_likelihood_given_x(self, samples, **kwargs): """ Paramaters -------- samples : list This contains 'x', which has Theano variables, and test sample. Returns -------- Theano variable, shape (n_samples,) A log-likelihood, p(sample|x). """ x, sample = samples output = self.fprop(x, **kwargs) return self.distribution.log_likelihood(sample, *tolist(output))
def _set_theano_func(self): x = self.inputs samples = self.fprop(x, deterministic=True) self.np_fprop = theano.function(inputs=x, outputs=samples, on_unused_input='ignore') samples = self.sample_mean_given_x(x, deterministic=True) self.np_sample_mean_given_x = theano.function( inputs=x, outputs=samples[-1], on_unused_input='ignore') samples = self.sample_given_x(x, deterministic=True) self.np_sample_given_x = theano.function( inputs=x, outputs=samples[-1], on_unused_input='ignore') if self.set_log_likelihood: sample = self.output samples = self.log_likelihood_given_x([x, sample], deterministic=True) self.np_log_liklihood_given_x = theano.function( inputs=x + [sample], outputs=samples, on_unused_input='ignore')
[docs]class DistributionDouble(Distribution): def __init__(self, distribution, mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1): self.var_network = var_network super(DistributionDouble, self).__init__( distribution, mean_network, given, seed) if self.get_output_shape() != lasagne.layers.get_output_shape( self.var_network): raise ValueError("The output shapes of the two networks" "do not match.")
[docs] def get_params(self): params = super(DistributionDouble, self).get_params() params += self.var_network.get_params(trainable=True) # delete duplicated paramaters params = sorted(set(params), key=params.index) return params
[docs] def fprop(self, x, deterministic=False): mean = super(DistributionDouble, self).fprop(x, deterministic=deterministic) inputs = dict(zip(self.given, x)) var = lasagne.layers.get_output( self.var_network, inputs, deterministic=deterministic) return mean, var
[docs]class Deterministic(Distribution): def __init__(self, network, given, seed=1): distribution = DeterministicSample() super(Deterministic, self).__init__(distribution, network, given, seed=seed, set_log_likelihood=False)
[docs]class Bernoulli(Distribution): def __init__(self, mean_network, given, temp=0.1, seed=1): distribution = BernoulliSample(temp=temp, seed=seed) super(Bernoulli, self).__init__(distribution, mean_network, given, seed)
[docs]class Categorical(Distribution): def __init__(self, mean_network, given, temp=0.1, n_dim=1, seed=1): distribution = CategoricalSample(temp=temp, seed=seed) self.mean_network = mean_network self.n_dim = n_dim self.k = self.get_output_shape()[-1] super(Categorical, self).__init__(distribution, mean_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs] def sample_given_x(self, x, repeat=1, **kwargs): if repeat != 1: x = [T.extra_ops.repeat(_x, repeat, axis=0) for _x in x] # use fprop of super class mean = Distribution.fprop(self, x, **kwargs) output = self.distribution.sample(mean).reshape((-1, self.n_dim * self.k)) return [x, output]
[docs] def fprop(self, x, *args, **kwargs): mean = Distribution.fprop(self, x, *args, **kwargs) mean = mean.reshape((-1, self.n_dim * self.k)) return mean
[docs]class Gaussian(DistributionDouble): def __init__(self, mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1): distribution = GaussianSample(seed=seed) super(Gaussian, self).__init__( distribution, mean_network, var_network, given, seed)
[docs]class GaussianConstantVar(Distribution): def __init__(self, mean_network, given, var=1, seed=1): distribution = GaussianConstantVarSample(constant_var=var, seed=seed) super(GaussianConstantVar, self).__init__(distribution, mean_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs]class Laplace(DistributionDouble): def __init__(self, mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1): distribution = LaplaceSample(seed=seed) super(Laplace, self).__init__(distribution, mean_network, var_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs]class Kumaraswamy(DistributionDouble): """ [Naelisnick+ 2016] Deep Generative Models with Stick-Breaking Priors """ def __init__(self, a_network, b_network, given, stick_breaking=True, seed=1): distribution = KumaraswamySample(seed=seed) self.stick_breaking = stick_breaking super(Kumaraswamy, self).__init__(distribution, a_network, b_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs] def sample_given_x(self, x, repeat=1, **kwargs): [x, v] = super(Kumaraswamy, self).sample_given_x(x, repeat=repeat, **kwargs) if self.stick_breaking: v = self._stick_breaking_process(v) return [x, v]
[docs] def log_likelihood_given_x(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError
def _stick_breaking_process(self, v): (n_batch, n_dim) = v.shape def segment(v, stick_segment, remaining_stick): stick_segment = v * remaining_stick remaining_stick *= (1 - v) return stick_segment, remaining_stick stick_segment = T.zeros((n_batch,)) remaining_stick = T.ones((n_batch,)) (stick_segments, remaining_sticks), updates\ = theano.scan(fn=segment, sequences=v.T[:-1], outputs_info=[stick_segment, remaining_stick]) return T.concatenate([stick_segments.T, remaining_sticks[-1, :][:, np.newaxis]], axis=1)
[docs]class Gamma(DistributionDouble): def __init__(self, alpha_network, beta_network, given, seed=1): distribution = GammaSample(seed=seed) super(Gamma, self).__init__(distribution, alpha_network, beta_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs]class Beta(DistributionDouble): def __init__(self, alpha_network, beta_network, given, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1): distribution = BetaSample( iter_sampling=iter_sampling, rejection_sampling=rejection_sampling, seed=seed) super(Beta, self).__init__(distribution, alpha_network, beta_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs]class Dirichlet(Distribution): def __init__(self, alpha_network, given, k, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1): distribution = DirichletSample(k, iter_sampling=iter_sampling, rejection_sampling=rejection_sampling, seed=seed) self.k = k super(Dirichlet, self).__init__(distribution, alpha_network, given, seed=seed)
[docs] def sample_given_x(self, x, repeat=1, **kwargs): if repeat != 1: x = [T.extra_ops.repeat(_x, repeat, axis=0) for _x in x] # use fprop of super class mean = Distribution.fprop(self, x, **kwargs) _shape = mean.shape mean = mean.reshape((_shape[0], _shape[1] / self.k, self.k)) output = self.distribution.sample(mean).reshape(_shape) return [x, output]