Tars.distributions package


Tars.distributions.distribution_models module

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Bernoulli(mean_network, given, temp=0.1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Beta(alpha_network, beta_network, given, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Categorical(mean_network, given, temp=0.1, n_dim=1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

fprop(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Deterministic(network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Dirichlet(alpha_network, given, k, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution(distribution, mean_network, given, seed=1, set_log_likelihood=True)[source]

Bases: object

mean_network : lasagne.layers.Layer
The network whose outputs express the paramater of this distribution.
given : list

This contains instances of lasagne.layers.InputLayer, which mean the conditioning variables. e.g. if given = [x,y], then the corresponding log-likehood is

log p(*|x,y)
fprop(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
This represents the shape of the inputs of this distribution.
This represents the shape of the output of this distribution.
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test sample.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, p(sample|x).
sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
sample_mean_given_x(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
This contains ‘x’ and a mean value of sample ~ p(*|x).
class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble(distribution, mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

fprop(x, deterministic=False)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Gamma(alpha_network, beta_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Gaussian(mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.GaussianConstantVar(mean_network, given, var=1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Kumaraswamy(a_network, b_network, given, stick_breaking=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

[Naelisnick+ 2016] Deep Generative Models with Stick-Breaking Priors

samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test sample.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, p(sample|x).
sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
class Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Laplace(mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

Tars.distributions.distribution_samples module

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DeterministicSample(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DistributionSample

Deterministic function p(x) = f(x)

log_likelihood(sample, mean)[source]
sample(mean, *args)[source]
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer
(any activation function)
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.BernoulliSample(temp=0.1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GumbelSample

Bernoulli distribution p(x) = mean^x * (1-mean)^(1-x)

log_likelihood(sample, mean)[source]
sample : Theano variable
This variable means test samples which you use to estimate a test log-likelihood.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Sigmoid)
This variable is a reconstruction of test samples. This must have the same shape as ‘sample’.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, which is the same meaning as a negative binary cross-entropy error.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Sigmoid)
The paramater (mean value) of this distribution.
Theano variable, shape (mean.shape)
This variable is sampled from this distribution. i.e. sample ~ p(x|mean)
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.CategoricalSample(temp=0.1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.ConcreteSample

Categorical distribution p(x) = prod mean^x

log_likelihood(samples, mean)[source]
sample : Theano variable
This variable means test samples which you use to estimate a test log-likelihood.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softmax)
This variable is a reconstruction of test samples. This must have the same shape as ‘sample’.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, which is the same meaning as a negative categorical cross-entropy error.
sample(mean, onehot=True, flatten=True)[source]
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (softmax)
The paramater (mean value) of this distribution.
Theano variable, shape (mean.shape)
This variable is sampled from this distribution. i.e. sample ~ p(x|mean)
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GaussianSample(seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DistributionSample

Gaussian distribution p(x) =

rac{1}{sqrt{2*pi*var}} * exp{- rac{{x-mean}^2}{2*var}}

log_likelihood(samples, mean, var)[source]

sample : Theano variable

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

var : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

sample(mean, var)[source]

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

var : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GaussianConstantVarSample(constant_var=1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GaussianSample

log_likelihood(samples, mean)[source]

sample : Theano variable

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

var : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)


mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

var : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.LaplaceSample(seed=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DistributionSample

Laplace distribution p(x) =

rac{1}{sqrt{2*phi}} * exp{- rac{|x-mean|}{phi}}

log_likelihood(samples, mean, b)[source]

sample : Theano variable

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

b : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

sample(mean, b)[source]

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

b : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GumbelSample(seed=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DistributionSample

Gumbel distribution

log_likelihood(samples, mu, beta)[source]

sample : Theano variable

mu : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

beta : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

sample(mu, beta)[source]
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.ConcreteSample(temp=0.1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GumbelSample

Concrete distribution (Gumbel-softmax)
https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.01144 https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00712

sample : Theano variable

mu : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

beta : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)


sample : Theano variable

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (sigmoid or softmax)

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.BetaSample(iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GammaSample

Beta distribution x^(alpha-1) * (1-x)^(beta-1) / B(alpha, beta)

log_likelihood(samples, alpha, beta)[source]
sample(alpha, beta)[source]
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DirichletSample(k, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GammaSample

Dirichlet distribution x^(alpha-1) * (1-x)^(beta-1) / B(alpha, beta)

log_likelihood(samples, alpha)[source]
sample(alpha, flatten=True)[source]
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.KumaraswamySample(seed=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DistributionSample

[Naelisnick+ 2016] Deep Generative Models with Stick-Breaking Priors Kumaraswamy distribution p(x) = a*b*x^(a-1)(1-x^a)^(b-1)

log_likelihood(samples, a, b)[source]

sample : Theano variable a : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus) b : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

sample(a, b)[source]

a : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus) b : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.UnitGaussianSample(seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.GaussianSample

Standard normal gaussian distribution p(x) =

rac{1}{sqrt{2*pi}} * exp{- rac{x^2}{2}}


sample : Theano variable

mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Linear)

var : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softplus)

shape : tuple
sets a shape of the output sample
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.UnitBernoulliSample(temp=0.1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.BernoulliSample

Unit bernoulli distribution

sample : Theano variable
This variable means test samples which you use to estimate a test log-likelihood.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Sigmoid)
This variable is a reconstruction of test samples. This must have the same shape as ‘sample’.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, which is the same meaning as a negative binary cross-entropy error.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Sigmoid)
The paramater (mean value) of this distribution.
Theano variable, shape (mean.shape)
This variable is sampled from this distribution. i.e. sample ~ p(x|mean)
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.UnitCategoricalSample(k=1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.CategoricalSample

Unit Categorical distribution

sample : Theano variable
This variable means test samples which you use to estimate a test log-likelihood.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (Softmax)
This variable is a reconstruction of test samples. This must have the same shape as ‘sample’.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, which is the same meaning as a negative categorical cross-entropy error.
mean : Theano variable, the output of a fully connected layer (softmax)
The paramater (mean value) of this distribution.
Theano variable, shape (mean.shape)
This variable is sampled from this distribution. i.e. sample ~ p(x|mean)
class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.UnitBetaSample(alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.BetaSample

Unit Beta distribution

class Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.UnitDirichletSample(k, alpha=1.0, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_samples.DirichletSample


Tars.distributions.estimate_kl module

Tars.distributions.estimate_kl.analytical_kl(q1, q2, given, deterministic=False)[source]
Tars.distributions.estimate_kl.gauss_gauss_kl(mean1, var1, mean2, var2)[source]
Tars.distributions.estimate_kl.gauss_unitgauss_kl(mean, var)[source]
Tars.distributions.estimate_kl.gaussian_like(x, mean, var)[source]

Tars.distributions.multiple module

class Tars.distributions.multiple.Concatenate(distributions)[source]

Bases: object

This distribution is used to concatenate different distributions in their feature axis. Therefore, we can handle multiple distributions as one distribution when sampling from them or estimating their log-likelihood. However, every distribution must have same given variables.

distributions : list
Contain multiple distributions.
>>> from Tars.distribution import Concatenate, Gaussian, Bernoulli
>>> gauss = Gaussian(mean, var, given=[x])
>>> bernoulli = Bernoulli(mean, given=[x])
>>> concat = Concatenate([gauss, bernoulli])
fprop(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables. The number of them must be same as ‘distributions’.
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test sample. The dimension of test sample must be same as output_dim.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, p(sample|x)
sample_given_x(x, srng, **kwargs)[source]
sample_mean_given_x(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class Tars.distributions.multiple.MultiDistributions(distributions, approximate=True)[source]

Bases: object

This distribution is used to stack multiple distiributions, that is p(x|z) = p(x|z1)p(z1|z2)…p(zn-1|zn). If the distributions are approximate distributions, then a corresponding stacked distribution becomes like q(z|x) = q(zn|zn-1)…q(z2|z1)q(z1|x). If the stacked distribution is conditioned on y, then the corresponding mean field approximation becomes like p(x|z,y) = p(x|z1)p(z1|z2)…p(zn-1|zn,y), or q(z|x,y) = q(zn|zn-1)…q(z2|z1)q(z1|x,y). So far, each distribution except first layer cannot have conditioned variables more than two.

distributions : list
Contain multiple distributions.
>>> from Tars.distribution import MultiDistributions
>>> from Tars.distribution import Gaussian, Bernoulli
>>> gauss = Gaussian(mean, var, given=[x])
>>> bernoulli = Bernoulli(mean, given=[z])
>>> multi = MultiDistributions([gauss, bernoulli])
fprop(x, layer_id=-1, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test samples, such as z1, z2,…,zn.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
log_likelihood (q) : log_q(z1|[x,y,…])+…+log_q(zn|zn-1) log_likelihood (p) : log_p(zn-1|[zn,y,…])+…+log_p(x|z1)
sample_given_x(x, layer_id=-1, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’ of first layer distibution.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and samples, such as [x,z1,…,zn].
sample_mean_given_x(x, layer_id=-1, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
This contains ‘x’, samples, and a mean value of sample, such as [x,z1,…,zn_mean]
class Tars.distributions.multiple.MultiPriorDistributions(distributions, prior=None)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.multiple.MultiDistributions

p(z) = p(zn,z’n)p(zn-1|zn,z’n)…p(z1|z2).

distributions : list
Contain multiple distributions.
>>> from Tars.distribution import MultiPriorDistributions
>>> from Tars.distribution import Gaussian, Bernoulli
>>> gauss = Gaussian(mean, var, given=[z2])
>>> bernoulli = Bernoulli(mean, given=[z1])
>>> multi = MultiPriorDistributions([gauss, bernoulli])
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, add_prior=True, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test samples, such as z1, z2,…,zn.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
log_likelihood :
add_prior=True : log_p(zn,z’n)+log_p(zn-1|zn,z’n)+…+log_p(z2|z1) add_prior=False : log_p(zn-1|zn,z’n)+…+log_p(z2|z1)

Module contents

class Tars.distributions.Distribution(distribution, mean_network, given, seed=1, set_log_likelihood=True)[source]

Bases: object

mean_network : lasagne.layers.Layer
The network whose outputs express the paramater of this distribution.
given : list

This contains instances of lasagne.layers.InputLayer, which mean the conditioning variables. e.g. if given = [x,y], then the corresponding log-likehood is

log p(*|x,y)
fprop(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
This represents the shape of the inputs of this distribution.
This represents the shape of the output of this distribution.
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test sample.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, p(sample|x).
sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
sample_mean_given_x(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
This contains ‘x’ and a mean value of sample ~ p(*|x).
class Tars.distributions.Deterministic(network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

class Tars.distributions.Bernoulli(mean_network, given, temp=0.1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

class Tars.distributions.Categorical(mean_network, given, temp=0.1, n_dim=1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

fprop(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
class Tars.distributions.Gaussian(mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.GaussianConstantVar(mean_network, given, var=1, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

class Tars.distributions.Laplace(mean_network, var_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.Kumaraswamy(a_network, b_network, given, stick_breaking=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

[Naelisnick+ 2016] Deep Generative Models with Stick-Breaking Priors

samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test sample.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, p(sample|x).
sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
class Tars.distributions.Gamma(alpha_network, beta_network, given, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.Beta(alpha_network, beta_network, given, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.DistributionDouble

class Tars.distributions.Dirichlet(alpha_network, given, k, iter_sampling=6, rejection_sampling=True, seed=1)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.distribution_models.Distribution

sample_given_x(x, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and sample ~ p(*|x), such as [x, sample].
class Tars.distributions.Concatenate(distributions)[source]

Bases: object

This distribution is used to concatenate different distributions in their feature axis. Therefore, we can handle multiple distributions as one distribution when sampling from them or estimating their log-likelihood. However, every distribution must have same given variables.

distributions : list
Contain multiple distributions.
>>> from Tars.distribution import Concatenate, Gaussian, Bernoulli
>>> gauss = Gaussian(mean, var, given=[x])
>>> bernoulli = Bernoulli(mean, given=[x])
>>> concat = Concatenate([gauss, bernoulli])
fprop(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables. The number of them must be same as ‘distributions’.
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test sample. The dimension of test sample must be same as output_dim.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
A log-likelihood, p(sample|x)
sample_given_x(x, srng, **kwargs)[source]
sample_mean_given_x(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class Tars.distributions.MultiDistributions(distributions, approximate=True)[source]

Bases: object

This distribution is used to stack multiple distiributions, that is p(x|z) = p(x|z1)p(z1|z2)…p(zn-1|zn). If the distributions are approximate distributions, then a corresponding stacked distribution becomes like q(z|x) = q(zn|zn-1)…q(z2|z1)q(z1|x). If the stacked distribution is conditioned on y, then the corresponding mean field approximation becomes like p(x|z,y) = p(x|z1)p(z1|z2)…p(zn-1|zn,y), or q(z|x,y) = q(zn|zn-1)…q(z2|z1)q(z1|x,y). So far, each distribution except first layer cannot have conditioned variables more than two.

distributions : list
Contain multiple distributions.
>>> from Tars.distribution import MultiDistributions
>>> from Tars.distribution import Gaussian, Bernoulli
>>> gauss = Gaussian(mean, var, given=[x])
>>> bernoulli = Bernoulli(mean, given=[z])
>>> multi = MultiDistributions([gauss, bernoulli])
fprop(x, layer_id=-1, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables.
mean : Theano variable
The output of this distribution.
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test samples, such as z1, z2,…,zn.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
log_likelihood (q) : log_q(z1|[x,y,…])+…+log_q(zn|zn-1) log_likelihood (p) : log_p(zn-1|[zn,y,…])+…+log_p(x|z1)
sample_given_x(x, layer_id=-1, repeat=1, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’ of first layer distibution.

repeat : int or thenao variable

This contains ‘x’ and samples, such as [x,z1,…,zn].
sample_mean_given_x(x, layer_id=-1, *args, **kwargs)[source]
x : list
This contains Theano variables, which must to correspond to ‘given’.
This contains ‘x’, samples, and a mean value of sample, such as [x,z1,…,zn_mean]
class Tars.distributions.MultiPriorDistributions(distributions, prior=None)[source]

Bases: Tars.distributions.multiple.MultiDistributions

p(z) = p(zn,z’n)p(zn-1|zn,z’n)…p(z1|z2).

distributions : list
Contain multiple distributions.
>>> from Tars.distribution import MultiPriorDistributions
>>> from Tars.distribution import Gaussian, Bernoulli
>>> gauss = Gaussian(mean, var, given=[z2])
>>> bernoulli = Bernoulli(mean, given=[z1])
>>> multi = MultiPriorDistributions([gauss, bernoulli])
log_likelihood_given_x(samples, add_prior=True, **kwargs)[source]
samples : list
This contains ‘x’, which has Theano variables, and test samples, such as z1, z2,…,zn.
Theano variable, shape (n_samples,)
log_likelihood :
add_prior=True : log_p(zn,z’n)+log_p(zn-1|zn,z’n)+…+log_p(z2|z1) add_prior=False : log_p(zn-1|zn,z’n)+…+log_p(z2|z1)